Montreux Music & Convention Centre – 2m2c Avenue Claude Nobs 5, 1820 Montreux
14.05.2023 08:00 - 18.05.2023 18:00
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are pleased to announce that registration and abstract submission is now open for the XVIth International Nidovirus Symposium, which will take place from May 14-18, 2023, in Montreux, Switzerland.
Over the past 40 years, the Nidovirus Symposium has evolved into a triennial event covering all aspects of nidoviruses and nidovirology. This eclectic group of viruses are found in humans and animals and include pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2, zoonotic SARS- and MERS-coronaviruses, common cold viruses, and many other economically and highly relevant livestock viruses.
This meeting will provide the opportunity for researchers from across the world to share their latest discoveries and scientific results and exchange ideas face to face. The meeting will take place between the 14th and 18th May 2023 with the stunning backdrop of Lake Geneva at the Montreux, Music and Convention Centre (2m2c), Switzerland.
We have an excellent scientific program planned that includes many international experts in the field of Nidovirology, including keynote talks from Mike Ryan (WHO, Switzerland), Christian Drosten (Charité, Germany), and Ralph Baric (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA). Other confirmed speakers include Edward Holmes, Lisa Gralinski, Stanley Perlman, Linda Saif, Elizabeth Campbell, Vincent Munster, Shane Crotty, and many more respected colleagues.
We are happy to share that Vincent Racaniello will be onsite to broadcast an episode of TWIV from the Symposium. Furthermore, we are pleased to announce that Virus Research will publish a Nidovirus Special Issue and waive the APC fees for papers submitted to this issue for attendees of the Symposium.
After the last online meeting in 2021, we are excited to have an in-person meeting again and are looking forward to welcoming you here in Switzerland!
Also, please check our website for all the details:
We are looking forward to welcoming you soon in Montreux.
Best wishes,
Volker Thiel & Isabella Eckerle & Ronald Dijkman
University of Bern, Institute of Virology and Immunology (IVI)
University of Geneva, Centre for Emerging Viral Diseases
University of Bern, Institute for Infectious Diseases (IFIK)
The registration online is closed. Please, register directly onsite.
Onsite fees
Participant CHF 1100.–
Graduate Student CHF 900.–
Daily passes are possible according to the scientific program:
Sun 14.05.23 : Participant CHF 250.00 / Graduate Student CHF 150.00
Mon 15.05.23: Participant CHF 300.00 / Graduate Student CHF 250.00
Tue 16.05.23: Participant CHF 250.00 / Graduate Student CHF 150.00
Wed 17.05.23: Participant CHF 300.00 / Graduate Student CHF 250.00
Thu 18.05.23: Particpant CHF 250.00 / Graduate Student CHF 150.00