Congress of the Swiss Society of Senology: abstract submission TO BE SUBMITTED UNTIL AUGUST 24, 2025


Before you begin, please prepare the following information and follow these rules:

  • Present the corresponding and first author's contact details, including full mailing address and email
  • Mention author and co-authors' names: full name (e.g. Carl Smith).
  • Author and co-authors' names: full name (e.g. Carl Smith).
  • Affiliation details of all authors: Department; Institution / Hospital; City; State/Province (if relevant); Country
    • For authors from different departments/institutions, designate with number in parenthesis immediately following author's last name (e.g., X. X. (1)), and use same parenthesis number immediately preceding institution name (e.g., (1)Dept. of XXX, University of XXX, City, (Country)
  • Abstracts should contain TEXT ONLY (no Tables, Figures, Graphs), and must be in English.
  • Abstract title – must be in UPPER CASE and is limited to 25 words.
  • Abstract text – no minima but up to 2500 characters (spaces included)
  • Abstracts should be as informative as possible and must use the following structured format:
    • Aims and Objectives
    • Materials and Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions
  • Use only standard abbreviations. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full word the first time it appears. Use generic names of drugs. Express numbers as numerals.
  • We recommend typing your text directly into the field or copy-paste it from word-processing software (for example Word), with mention of authors and co-authors.
  • Note: you will not be able to see the abstract after pressing the Submit button. You will not receive a copy of your abstract, so please save it accordingly on your own.
corresponding author's contact details:
Abstract title
Abstract text

Upload your file in PDF
Please, indicate on your paper/submission all the relevant authors with their affiliation,
as indicated in the guidelines.

  • ABSTRACT TEXT imited to 2500 characters (spaces included) - no tables, figures, graphs – in English)
  • STRUCTURE --Aims and Objectives / Materials & Methods / Results / Conclusions (text)
  • You will not be able to see the abstract after pressing the Submit button
  • You will not receive a copy of your abstract so please save your abstract according on your own.
Rules for submission
  • Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.
  • Abstracts must be original and must not represent previously published work.
  • Please use the form online to submit your abstract, that you will find on the same page of the registration on / Conferences & Meetings. The congress is listed chronologically.
  • Notification of abstract acceptance and format will be announced on Notification Letter of Acceptance sent by email
    to the Author by August 29, 2025.
  • The Scientific Committee will select a number of abstracts which will be presented as POSTER:
    The poster format is DIN A0 (Height 120 cm and width 85cm).
    Abstracts accepted as poster will be presented in the poster exhibition.
Disclosure of financial relationships, that the author(s) may have with any manufacturer/supplier of any commercial products or services related to the work, must be indicated on the online abstract submission form.
Also, no letter of invitation and no financial support are sent/offered by the organization.

Presenting authors of abstracts must be registered as participant on / Conferences & Meetings

If you have problems submitting your abstract, you may contact us at: or on T +41 (0)21 312 92 61.
