Slide Seminar – SSPath / SGPath – 27.01.2024

Hörsaal Langhans, Institut für Pathologie, Murtenstrasse 31, 3008 Bern

27.01.2024 09:30 - 13:00

Program 27.01.2024

Challenging Lumps and Bumps of the Gastrointestinal Tract


09.30 – 10.00   Welcome coffee
10.00 – 11.15   Slide Seminar Part I – 5 cases & discussion
11.15 – 11.45   Coffee break with sandwiches
11.45 – 13.00   Slide Seminar Part II – 5 cases & discussion
13.00    Closing words - end of Seminar

Organisation: PD Dr. Heather Dawson, Bern

Confirmed Speakers   Prof. Dr. Iris Nagtegaal, Nijmegen; Prof. Dr. Rupert Langer, Linz; Prof. Dr. Reiner Wiest, Bern; PD Dr. med. Heather Dawson, Bern; Dr. med. Bastian Dislich, Bern; PD Dr. Matthias Matter, Basel; Prof. Luigi Tornillo, Bern; Prof. Dr. med. Christine Sempoux, Lausanne

CME Credits                        
Participation at the slide seminar: 3 credit points
Submission of diagnoses:                2 credit points


Registration on-site is also possible. The PDF handouts of the case presentations will be available on shortly after the seminar. The certificate of participation is sent by email after the event.
The slide seminar is a face-to-face event and will NOT be broadcasted.


The registration online is closed. Please, come directly onsite.





