09.05.2025 08:30 - 17:30
AGORA, Auditoire Paternot, Rte du Bugnon 25A, Lausanne
Dear Transplantation Professionals,
The Swiss Society of Transplantation is pleased to invite you to an exceptional training day dedicated to the fundamental aspects of transplantation. The "STS Transplant Fellows Course: Core Curriculum" will be held on Friday, May 9th, 2025, at the Auditoire Paternot, AGORA (CHUV, Lausanne).
This intensive course will bring together internationally renowned experts who will share their knowledge on essential topics, including:
To ensure accessibility for all, the course will be available both in-person and as a webinar, at an affordable rate of CHF 50.00.
Don't miss this unique opportunity for training and networking with leaders in the field!
13.05.2025 08:30 - 18:00
Kultur & Kongresshaus Aarau
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We are delighted to invite you to the 2025 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Neonatology, focusing on 'Newborn Resuscitation'— a critical topic relevant across all levels of neonatal care.
Our program is designed around three pivotal areas:
• Current evidence: Delving into the latest strategies to enhance newborn resuscitation.
• Non-technical Skills: Featuring discussions on teamwork, communication, and family presence during
• Future Perspectives: Exploring the journey of Start4Neo and innovations that may shape the delivery
room of tomorrow.
Join us for an informative day of learning and networking as we work together to advance neonatal care. We look forward to welcoming you!
Warm regards,
Jehudith Fontijn and Christoph Rüegger,
on behalf of the 2025 Organization Committee.
The deadline for Abstract submissions is March 31, 2025.
You can make your submissions via the following link:
28.06.2025 10:30 - 17:00
Ospedale Regionale di Bellinzona, San Giovanni
! Places limited !
27.08.2025 08:30 - 28.08.2025 17:30
Congress Kursaal Interlaken, 3800 Interlaken
11.09.2025 08:30 - 13.09.2025 17:30
Kongresszentrum Davos
Dear colleagues,
Dear friends,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 29th annual SASRO meeting from the 11th through the 13th of September in the beautiful mountains of Davos.
Radiotherapy continues to evolve at a remarkable pace, incorporating cutting-edge techniques and combined modalities to enhance patient care, improve survival outcomes and elevate quality of life. A primary purpose of the SASRO conference is to integrate the various stakeholders such as medical physics, IT, radiobiologists, RTTs, doctors and nurses and to promote the interprofessional cooperation which it takes to continually improve patient care.
The 2025 SASRO Conference will present from new heights; the peaks of Graubünden. Shaping the Art and Science of Radiation Oncology 2025 - less is more, will place a spotlight on insights when less is more in Radiation Oncology focussing on topics such as hypofractionation, omission of radiation or concomitant systemic therapy and reduction of toxicity. This intrinsically begs the question, when would less not be the best solution.
As such, we want SASRO 2025 to be an event for sharing knowledge, exploring emerging trends, networking and interdisciplinary exchange in the beautiful alpine environment of Davos. SASRO features invited talks by leading national and international experts, proffered paper sessions, and symposia with industry partners sharing their enhancing new insights.
Together, these elements aim to create a dynamic platform for sharing experiences, gaining knowledge, and fostering collaboration and friendships. The SASRO Conference 2025 promises to deliver an engaging and inspiring program for our multidisciplinary community, driving innovation and shaping the future of radiotherapy.
In the name of the organization committee of the Radiation-Oncology Institute, Cantonal Hospital Graubünden, we are looking forward to welcoming you in Davos.
With warm regards,
Brigitta Baumert Aristotelis Spyridonidis
Presidents Annual SASRO Meeting 2025
A quota has been reserved for you at various Davos hotels. Book your room directly from the link below:
17.09.2025 10:30 - 18:30
Kantonsspital, Baden
18.09.2025 08:30 - 19.09.2025 17:30
Trafo Baden Betriebs, 5400 Baden
27.11.2025 08:30 - 28.11.2025 17:30
Technopark Zurich
Module 1B
In Zurich, November 27-28, 2025
Technopark Zurich,
Technoparkstrasse 1
8005 Zurich
Registrations were made with Module 1A. It is no longer possible to register.
Module 1A
In Lausanne, March 5-7, 2025
Hôtel Aquatis, route de Berne 150
1010 Lausanne
For Hotel reservation : https://bit.ly/Aquatis-Senology2025
Module 3
The costs of CHF 1'000.00 have to be paid directly to the breast center.
16.01.2025 16:00 - 20:00
Hôtel Alpha Palmiers, Rue du Petit-Chêne 34, Lausanne
Les Centres du sein romands, publics et privés, réunis au sein de l’ARCS, organisent le 1er Post-SABCS commun.
Le SABCS (San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium), principal congrès mondial sur le cancer mammaire de tout stade, rassemble chaque année les équipes internationales pour présenter les dernières avancées en recherche clinique, translationnelle et fondamentale. Ces résultats influencent souvent notre pratique quotidienne. Les professionnels romands assistant au SABCS du 9 au 14 décembre 2024 partageront lors de cet événement intercantonal les données les plus pertinentes. Ces résultats seront discutés avec les professionnels présents pour en approfondir l’analyse et les contextualiser.
L'événement se terminera par une collation.
Nous nous réjouissons de vous retrouver lors de cet événement, en espérant qu’il contribuera à enrichir non seulement les connaissances autour de la pathologie mammaire, mais aussi les échanges entre les professionnels de notre région.
Le Comité de l’ARCS :
SSGO (Gynécologie-Obstétrique) - 3 crédits
SSMO (Oncologie Médicale) - 3 crédits
SSPath (Pathologie) - 3 crédits non-spécifiques, en tant que formation élargie
SSRO (Radio-oncologie) - 3 crédits
Contact au besoin: nicole@meetingcom.ch
23.01.2025 09:30 - 24.01.2025 16:30
Thun, Congress Hotel Seepark
05.03.2025 07:00 - 07.03.2025 18:00
Hôtel Aquatis, route de Berne 150, 1010 Lausanne
Module 1A
In Lausanne, March 5-7, 2025
Hôtel Aquatis, route de Berne 150
1010 Lausanne
For Hotel reservation : https://bit.ly/Aquatis-Senology2025
Module 1B
In Zurich, November 27-28, 2025
Technopark Zurich,
Technoparkstrasse 1
8005 Zurich
Module 3
The costs of CHF 1'000.00 have to be paid directly to the breast center.
PLEASE NOTE: The participant quota has been reached. The next Diploma Course is scheduled for March and November 2027.